Multichain Queries

Insight now supports querying multiple blockchain networks in a single API call. This powerful feature allows you to retrieve and analyze data across different chains without making separate requests for each network.

Why Use Multichain Queries?

  • Efficiency: Reduce the number of API calls needed to fetch data from multiple chains
  • Simplicity: Consolidate cross-chain data in a single request and response
  • Performance: Minimize latency by avoiding sequential requests to different chains
  • Consistency: Process data from different networks using a unified format

How to Use Multichain Queries

Instead of using the chain-specific subdomain approach, multichain queries use the base URL with multiple chain query parameters:

// Traditional single-chain query (using subdomain)
const singleChainUrl = ``;
// Multichain query (using base URL with chain parameters)
const multiChainUrl = ``;


Authentication works the same way as with single-chain queries:

// Using client ID in header
const headers = {
"x-client-id": "{{clientId}}",
// Or as a query parameter
const url = `{{clientId}}`;

Response Format

Responses for multichain queries include additional metadata to help you identify which data belongs to which chain:

"meta": {
"chain_ids": [1, 137], // List of queried chain IDs
"total_items": 113, // Total count across all chains
"limit_per_chain": 100, // Per-chain limit derived from the request
"page": 0,
"limit": 200,
"total_pages": 1
"data": [
"chain_id": 1, // Each item includes its chain ID
"block_number": "17859301",
"transaction_hash": "0x123...",
// ... other fields
"chain_id": 137,
"block_number": "48392021",
// ... other fields

Key differences in the response format:

  • The meta object includes a chain_ids array listing all queried chains
  • A limit_per_chain field indicates how many items were requested per chain
  • Each item in the data array includes a chain_id field to identify its network

Pagination and Limits

When using multichain queries, the limit parameter applies to each chain individually:

// This will return up to 20 items from each chain (potentially 40 total items)
const url = ``;

The limit_per_chain in the response metadata shows how many items were requested per chain, while the overall limit represents the maximum total items across all chains.


Example 1: Query Events Across Multiple Chains

const getMultichainEvents = async () => {
try {
// Query events on Ethereum (1) and Polygon (137)
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
"x-client-id": "<YOUR_THIRDWEB_CLIENT_ID>",
return await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);

Example 2: Track Token Balances Across Networks

const getMultichainTokenBalances = async (ownerAddress) => {
try {
// Get ERC-20 balances on Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbitrum
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
"x-client-id": "<YOUR_THIRDWEB_CLIENT_ID>",
return await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);

Example 3: Monitor NFT Collections Across Chains

const getMultichainNFTs = async (ownerAddress) => {
try {
// Get NFTs on Ethereum and Base
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
"x-client-id": "<YOUR_THIRDWEB_CLIENT_ID>",
return await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);

Supported Endpoints

All Insight blueprints support multichain queries:

  • Events Blueprint: /v1/events - Returns events from specified chains
  • Transactions Blueprint: /v1/transactions - Provides transactions from multiple chains
  • Tokens Blueprint:
    • /v1/tokens/erc20/:ownerAddress - Consolidates ERC-20 token balances across chains
    • /v1/tokens/erc721/:ownerAddress - Consolidates NFT holdings across chains
    • /v1/tokens/erc1155/:ownerAddress - Consolidates ERC-1155 token balances across chains

Best Practices

  • Limit Chain Count: While you can query multiple chains, it's best to limit the number of chains in a single request to avoid timeouts.

  • Use Appropriate Limits: Set reasonable limit values to control response size and processing time.

  • Handle Chain-Specific Errors: Some chains might return errors while others succeed. Your code should handle partial successes.

  • Process Data by Chain: When analyzing the response, group or filter data by chain_id for chain-specific analysis.

  • Consider Rate Limits: Multichain queries count against your rate limits for each chain queried.

Use Cases

Cross-Chain Portfolio Tracking

Track a user's assets across multiple networks to provide a comprehensive view of their holdings:

const getPortfolio = async (address) => {
// Get ERC-20 tokens across major chains
const erc20Response = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>" } },
// Get NFTs across the same chains
const nftResponse = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>" } },
return {
tokens: await erc20Response.json(),
nfts: await nftResponse.json(),

Cross-Chain Activity Monitoring

Monitor transactions or events across multiple chains for a specific address:

const getRecentActivity = async (address) => {
const response = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>" } },
return await response.json();

Cross-Chain Protocol Analysis

Analyze protocol activity across different deployments on multiple chains:

const getProtocolActivity = async (protocolAddresses) => {
// protocolAddresses = { 1: "0x123...", 137: "0x456...", 42161: "0x789..." }
const queryParams = Object.entries(protocolAddresses)
([chainId, address]) =>
const response = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>" } },
return await response.json();