From Address | This is the address that initiated the transaction. It represents the sender who paid for the gas to execute the transaction. | If a user sends 1 ETH from their wallet, the from_address will be the sender's Ethereum address, such as 0xabc123... . |
To Address | This is the recipient of the transaction. It could be another wallet or a smart contract. | If sending ETH to a friend, their wallet address, like 0xdef456... , would be the to_address . In the case of interacting with a DeFi platform, the address of the smart contract being called would be the to_address . |
Hash | The unique identifier (hash) of the transaction. This hash can be used to look up and verify the transaction on the blockchain. | A transaction might have a hash like 0x5c7b6f... . You can use this hash to check the transaction status on a block explorer like Etherscan. |
Value | This is the amount of cryptocurrency (in wei) being transferred in the transaction. | If transferring 1 ETH, the value would be 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei (1 ETH = 10^18 wei). |
Gas | This is the maximum amount of gas units the sender is willing to pay for the transaction to be processed. It limits how much work the transaction can perform on the blockchain. | A simple ETH transfer might require 21,000 gas, while calling a complex smart contract function could require significantly more, such as 100,000 gas. |
Gas Price | The price per gas unit the sender is willing to pay, expressed in wei (the smallest unit of ETH). The total transaction cost is calculated as gas * gas_price . | If the gas_price is 100 gwei (1 gwei = 1 billion wei), the sender will pay 100 gwei * 21,000 gas for a basic ETH transfer. |
Max Fee Per Gas | This is the maximum amount of gas fees (in wei) the sender is willing to pay for each gas unit. It was introduced in EIP-1559 to provide a cap on gas costs. | If max_fee_per_gas is set to 200 gwei, the sender is ensuring that they will never pay more than this for each gas unit, even during periods of high network congestion. |
Max Priority Fee Per Gas | This is the maximum additional fee the sender is willing to pay to incentivize miners to prioritize their transaction. Also introduced in EIP-1559. | A transaction might specify a max_priority_fee_per_gas of 2 gwei, which acts as a "tip" for miners to get their transaction included faster in a block. |
Data | The data field contains additional information required by a transaction, such as the input parameters for interacting with a smart contract. | In a call to a DeFi contract's swap function, the data field will include the encoded function call and arguments (e.g., token amount, recipient address). |
Nonce | The nonce is the number of transactions sent from the sender's address. It ensures that transactions are processed in the correct order and prevents double-spending. | If the sender has sent 5 transactions before, the nonce will be 5. This helps in tracking the sequence of transactions and ensuring that each one is processed correctly. |
Transaction Index | The position of the transaction within the block. It indicates the order in which the transaction was included relative to other transactions | If the transaction_index is 5, this was the 6th transaction included in the block. |
Transaction Type | The type of transaction, typically either legacy (type 0x0 ) or one of the newer types introduced in EIP-1559 (e.g., type 0x2 for transactions that use the new gas fee mechanism). | A transaction_type of 0x2 indicates the transaction follows the new EIP-1559 rules for gas fees. |
Access List | The access_list is an optional field introduced in EIP-2930 that specifies which addresses and storage slots the transaction intends to interact with. It's used to optimize gas costs by pre-declaring the data access needed. | When a transaction interacts with a smart contract, the access_list may declare the contract address and storage slots the transaction intends to read from or write to. For example, interacting with a DeFi smart contract could include its contract address and the storage slots holding user balances. |
Chain ID | The chain_id identifies the blockchain network on which the transaction was conducted. It prevents replay attacks across different networks. | On Ethereum mainnet, the chain ID is 1 , while on Base Mainnet, the chain ID is 8453 . This field tells you which network the transaction belongs to. |
Block Hash | This is the unique identifier (or "fingerprint") of the block that includes this transaction. The hash ensures that the block hasn't been altered. | If the transaction is included in block 12,345,678 , the block's hash might look like 0xabc123... , and this hash can be used to reference that particular block on the blockchain. |
Block Number | The block_number indicates the specific position of the block in the blockchain that contains the transaction. | If a transaction is included in block 12,345,678 , this number can be used to quickly locate the block and all the transactions it contains. |
Block Timestamp | This is the exact time when the block containing the transaction was mined and added to the blockchain. | If the transaction was confirmed on July 1, 2023, at 12:30 PM UTC, the block timestamp will reflect this moment. It's useful for analyzing when specific activities (like token transfers) occurred. |
r, s, v | These are the cryptographic components of the transaction signature. They prove that the transaction was signed by the private key associated with the sender's address. | The r , s , and v values are produced during the signing process and are necessary to verify the authenticity of the transaction on the blockchain. |