Thirdweb Insight

Insight is a powerful tool that lets you retrieve blockchain data from any EVM chain, enrich it with metadata, and transform it using custom logic. Whether you're building a gaming inventory system, tracking DeFi metrics, or analyzing NFT collections, Insight makes it easy to get the data you need with simple API calls.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Rate Limiting: The API has rate limits based on your authentication tier. Monitor your usage and implement appropriate retry logic.

  • Pagination: When retrieving large datasets, use pagination parameters (page and limit) to avoid timeouts and manage response sizes effectively.

  • Chain Selection: Always verify you're querying the correct chain ID. Using an incorrect chain ID will return a 404 error.

  • Data Freshness: There may be a slight delay between on-chain events and their availability in the API due to block confirmation times.

  • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling for both HTTP errors (400/500) and network issues. Consider implementing retries for transient failures.

  • Query Optimization:

    • Use specific filters to reduce response size and improve performance
    • Avoid overly broad date ranges when possible
    • Consider using aggregations for large datasets
  • Authentication: Keep your authentication credentials secure and don't expose them in client-side code.

  • Response Processing: Some numeric values are returned as strings to maintain precision. Convert them appropriately in your application.


const baseUrl = `https://{{chainId}}`;


The API supports three authentication methods:

// 1. Header Authentication
const headers = {
"x-client-id": "{{clientId}}", // thirdweb Client ID
// 2. Query Parameter
const url = `https://{{chainId}}{{clientId}}`;
// 3. Bearer Token
const headers = {
Authorization: "Bearer {{jwtToken}}",
// Example using fetch with header auth
async function getEvents() {
const response = await fetch(
headers: {
"x-client-id": "{{clientId}}",
return await response.json();

Core Concepts

Chain IDs

The API supports chain IDs in the following formats:

  • As a subdomain:
// Example
const baseUrl = `https://{{chainId}}`;
  • As a query parameter (this is useful if you want to query multiple chains):
// Example for a single chain
const url = `{{chainId}}`;
// Example for multiple chains
const url = ``;

We won't duplicate multichain examples for each endpoint, but you can pass multiple chains in the query parameters pretty much everywhere!

Base Response Structure

interface BaseResponse<T> {
data: T[];
meta: {
chain_id: number; // Required
page: number; // Required
limit: number; // Required
total_items: number; // Required
total_pages: number; // Required
address?: string; // Optional
signature?: string; // Optional
// Example response from getting events
"data": [
"chain_id": 1,
"block_number": "17859301",
"transaction_hash": "0x123...",
"address": "0x456...",
"data": "0x789...",
"topics": ["0xabc..."]
"meta": {
"chain_id": 1,
"page": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total_items": 150,
"total_pages": 8

API Examples

Events API

// 1. Get All Events
async function getAllEvents(): Promise<BaseResponse<Event>> {
const response = await fetch(
headers: { "x-client-id": "{{clientId}}" },
return await response.json();
// 2. Get Contract Events with Filtering
async function getContractEvents(
contractAddress: string,
): Promise<BaseResponse<Event>> {
const params = new URLSearchParams({
filter_block_number_gte: "{{blockNumber}}",
sort_by: "block_timestamp",
sort_order: "desc",
limit: "50",
const url = `https://{{chainId}}${contractAddress}?${params}`;
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: { "x-client-id": "{{clientId}}" },
return await response.json();

Token Balance API

// 1. Get ERC20 Balances
async function getERC20Balances(
ownerAddress: string,
): Promise<ERC20Response> {
const response = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "{{clientId}}" } },
const data = await response.json();
// Example response:
// {
// "data": [
// {
// "tokenAddress": "0x123...",
// "balance": "1000000000000000000"
// }
// ]
// }
return data;
// 2. Get NFT Balances
async function getNFTBalances(ownerAddress: string) {
const response = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "{{clientId}}" } },
const data = await response.json();
// Example response:
// {
// "data": [
// {
// "collectionAddress": "0x456...",
// "tokenId": "1",
// "balance": "1"
// }
// ]
// }
return data;

Using Filters

// Example: Get events with complex filtering
async function getFilteredEvents() {
const params = new URLSearchParams({
// Block filters
filter_block_number_gte: "{{startBlock}}",
filter_block_number_lte: "{{endBlock}}",
// Time filters
filter_block_timestamp_gte: "{{startTimestamp}}",
// Transaction filters
filter_from_address: "{{fromAddress}}",
filter_value_gte: "{{minValue}}", // 1 ETH
// Pagination
page: "0",
limit: "20",
// Sorting
sort_by: "block_timestamp",
sort_order: "desc",
const response = await fetch(
{ headers: { "x-client-id": "{{clientId}}" } },
return await response.json();

Error Handling

async function safeApiCall() {
try {
const response = await fetch(
headers: { "x-client-id": "{{clientId}}" },
if (!response.ok) {
const errorData = await response.json();
// Example error response:
// { "error": "Invalid client ID" }
throw new Error(errorData.error);
return await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("API Error:", error.message);
throw error;

API Reference

Events API

  • Get All Events
GET https://{{chainId}}


  • Get Contract Events
GET https://{{chainId}}
  • Get Specific Event Type
GET https://{{chainId}}

Transactions API

  • Get All Transactions
GET https://{{chainId}}
  • Get Contract Transactions
GET https://{{chainId}}
  • Get Specific Transaction Type
GET https://{{chainId}}

Token Balance API

  • ERC20 Balances
GET https://{{chainId}}
interface ERC20Response {
data: ERC20Balance[];
interface ERC20Balance {
tokenAddress: string;
balance: string;
  • ERC721 & ERC1155 Balances
GET https://{{chainId}}
GET https://{{chainId}}
interface TokenBalance {
data: NFTBalance[];
interface NFTBalance {
collectionAddress: string;
tokenId: string;
balance: string;

Query Parameters

Common Parameters

interface CommonQueryParams {
page?: number; // Default: 0
limit?: number; // Default: 20, must be > 0
sort_by?: "block_number" | "block_timestamp" | "transaction_index";
sort_order?: "asc" | "desc";
group_by?: string;
aggregate?: string[];

Filter Types

  • Block Filters
interface BlockFilters {
filter_block_number?: number; // Example: 1000000
filter_block_number_gte?: number; // Example: 1000000
filter_block_number_gt?: number; // Example: 1000000
filter_block_number_lte?: number; // Example: 1000000
filter_block_number_lt?: number; // Example: 1000000
filter_block_hash?: string; // Example: "0x3a1fba5..."
  • Time Filters
interface TimeFilters {
filter_block_timestamp?: number; // Example: 1715222400
filter_block_timestamp_gte?: number; // Example: 1715222400
filter_block_timestamp_gt?: number; // Example: 1715222400
filter_block_timestamp_lte?: number; // Example: 1715222400
filter_block_timestamp_lt?: number; // Example: 1715222400
  • Transaction Filters
interface TransactionFilters {
filter_transaction_index?: number;
filter_transaction_hash?: string;
filter_from_address?: string;
filter_value?: number;
filter_gas_price?: number;
filter_gas?: number;
// Additional gte, gt, lte, lt variants for numeric fields

Error Handling

All endpoints return standard error responses for 400 and 500 status codes:

// 400 Bad Request
// 500 Internal Server Error
interface ErrorResponse {
error: string; // Required