RPC Edge
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Edge provides reliable access to querying data and interacting with the blockchain through global edge RPCs.
By default, we provide publicly available RPCs to every EVM chain. View the default RPC endpoints for each supported chain.
Accessing your RPC URL
To use RPC Edge with other tools like Anvil, take a chain's public RPC endpoint and attach your app's client ID from Project > Settings page in dashboard https://<chainId>.rpc.thirdweb.com/<clientId>
- Reduced Latency: Global edge caching reduces latency by utilizing geographically distributed servers, smart routing, and caching RPC responses. RPC endpoints run on the edge with over 150+ worldwide locations, resulting in minimized latency, especially for frequently requested responses.
- Improved Performance: Create critical and scalable applications with maintained uptime and low latency, thanks to reduced response times.
- High Reliability: Utilize fallback across multiple providers to ensure high reliability.
- Cost Efficient: More cost-efficient at scale compared to competitors.
- Compatible with any EVM Blockchain: Use RPC Edge with any deployed contract on any EVM blockchain.
RPC pricing is based on requests per second. If you're interested in upgrading your RPC Edge limits, you can find more information on the different tiers by visiting thirdweb's pricing page.